NATALIA knows her way around restaurants. From El Compadre on the Sunset Strip to Chocolate in Santa Cruz, she’s hosted and served. She was born and raised in the heart of Los Angeles. She has always been a storyteller. No matter where she is and who she’s with, storytelling is her way of connecting with others. When she is not teaching 2nd grade English or waiting tables, she is oftentimes involved in creative projects, always willing to collaborate! She has been featured in several productions which include but were not limited to playing Mercutio in Romeo & Juliet (2018) and premiering the role of Felicia Del Pino in Cristina Garcia’s original play, Dreaming in Cuban (2022) She also portrayed a variety of roles in Fran Astorga’s, Exhaustion Arroyo: Dancin’ Trees in the Ravine (2023).