Not every restaurant has family meal, but the ones that do are certainly a cut above the rest. It’s usually before service, sometimes after, but no matter when it is, it’s something that brings everyone together.

We followed Kansas City-native skater & chef Joesph Lopez through the streets of Silver Lake on the hunt for a couple ripe skate spots and a hearty plate of Bangladeshi food.

Starting the day with a sesh at the Venice Bowls; making the best of a quick surf at the Venice Breakwater; scouring the Santa Monica Farmer’s Market for the best ingredients and finishing the day with an outdoor dinner event. This is Chef Rudy Beuve’s bread and butter.

BRIOCHE. A short film by House Shoes, the creative partnership of Nathan Zack and Lanna Leite, about making brioche and the memories it evokes. Shot in November 2021 for Oshione Bakery, a gluten free bakery on the edge of Viktoriapark in Kreuzberg, Berlin.