IT’S a few u-turns before I find the bar I’m looking for: The Bible Club. It’s a discreet wooden door next to a set of two much more grandiose ones, and behind the door is a set of stairs going down to a landing and a turn and another wood door which leads to an old-timey speakeasy of a whiskey and gin joint.

I RUN up the stairs because I’m not just ready to go yet. I have to fly by the incense one more time. I want the scented smoke in my eyes, and I’ll carry it with me back down the hill into the old city.

MAX is a man on a motorcycle. Every weekend is one he wishes he was spending in the greater outdoors, and most weekends he is.

The day was ripe for a ride and I also wanted some ramen. I’d promised Sophia I’d come to visit. It’s been months since she left Gjusta.


HEATHER ALAMILLA with a quick soundbite from HECTOR GOMEZ of CAFE ZACK